Seeking Support on Raising Grandchildren

Are you Raising your Grandchildren?

Grandparents Raising Grandchildren

Are you seeking support on the struggles and overwhelming tasks of taking on the care of raising your Grandkids?

Hello and welcome to my new website! I am so pumped that you are here! Hey this is a place to come, hang out and feel love and support in the calling that you have taken on— Raising your Grandchildren.

Suddenly having to care for your Grandchildren every day, full time, can really take a toll on your overall well-being.
Your body/mind and soul can seem like it’s been thrown into a whirlwind.
You may have heard or read that approximately 3 million Grandchildren are being raised by Grandparents in the US. Those numbers are staggering! I would only suspect that those numbers will continue to rise.
The effects of Opioid abuse on our families have really rocked us to the core.
The Opioid Crisis alone isn’t the only reason why some of us have suddenly had to take on the care of our precious Grands.
Other reasons may include a combination of parental substance abuse, abuse and neglect, unemployment, incarceration, abandonment or death.
Grandparents raising their Grandchildren can face many difficult challenges including but definitely not limited to:
  • Mental Stress and Anxiety
  • Social isolation
  • Legal hassles
  • Financial burdens
  • Family issues
  • Housing issues
Taking care of them full time does have its challenges but also has many long-lasting lifetime rewards.
What’s in this for you? You might ask: YOU GET TO MAKE AN ETERNAL IMPACT!
If you are new at taking on this new role in your life, it might seem hard at first to recognize the rewards that come with it.
The overwhelming task of caring for your Grandchildren each day takes time to adjust to.
  • You could be dealing with a new baby—one who keeps you up all night—needs constant feeding—needs constant diaper changes etc, etc.
  • You could be dealing with a teenager—a moody one at that!
  • You could be dealing with any age in between or all of them—there are so many different circumstances.


No matter the circumstances you could be experiencing a whole range of emotions:
  • Tender Love for your Grandkids
  • Relief they are safe and in a stable environment
  • Stress, Worry— “How am I going to handle all this”? What lies ahead?
  • Anger, Resentment — “How could my own child do this to me”? Do this to their own child?
  • Guilt—For your own child’s failures— “Is it my fault”? What should I have done differently?
  • Grief—The loss you feel towards your Child who’s swallowed up by Addiction
I have been at it for 9 years now. I took on two of my Grandkids 9 years ago, they were 2 & 4 years old.
I was SOOO overwhelmed! I made a lot of mistakes and I had to figure things out on my own over the years.
There just wasn’t any support back then.
Then in October of 2020, I took on the care of my new Grandson who was 9 months old. (From another Child of mine).
This time around has been MUCH easier. It’s not without Stresses, and difficulties. I am just more equipped to handle what has come my way.
Here’s a post on what I get asked the most about Raising Grandchildren:
I would love to hear where you are in this Journey?
Are you just staring out?
Have you been at it for a while?
What have you learned along the way? What “wins” have you experienced?

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