Grandparents raising Grandkids-The question I get asked the most

What is the number one question you get asked the most about raising your Grandkids?

I would say my # 1 question is “How do you do it”? Followed by the remark “I don’t know how you do it”
Grandparents raising Grandkids raise a lot of eyebrows. People seem to be curious about our situation.

When people say this to me, I see the Fear pass in their eyes almost every time.
I laugh to myself now. I know what their thinking:
OMG what if this happens to me? “I could never do that” I have even had people say, “This is my biggest fear”.
Maybe it’s become one of their biggest fears, because they’ve seen it happen to you.
Something nobody would ever predict would happen.

If only they knew what capabilities they really do have, this wouldn’t scare them so much.

Nobody wants this to happen to them. Raising your Grandkids means something bad has happened right?
Your child cannot raise their own because of an unfortunate event or circumstances that has occurred.
And we are in a comfortable place in our own lives.
We raised our kids and now we are faced with raising our children’s kids.

We are always afraid of the unknown, aren’t we? Something so unfamiliar. Something that seems so unbelievable.

We don’t realize what we can truly be capable of, until we are faced with the fear head on, and have nowhere to go except through it.

How do you handle a stressful situation? How do you handle life altering changes?
How can you turn a bad situation into a good situation?
These questions can be for anyone. We humans are always going to be faced with a struggle, a challenge, a life altering event.

It’s how we handle them, that will determine our outcome.
It’s all in our Mindset and our Intentions on how we will get through it.
It’s learning how to conquer Fear and live with Faith.

For me—my mindset, my intentions were really nonexistent at the time. I struggled with the life altering change.
I struggle for too long.
I couldn’t see a good ending to any of it.

A neighbor of mine who realized my situation came up to me one day and said:
“There will be light at the end of the tunnel”.
I kindly thanked her for the remark, but I couldn’t believe it to be true. I couldn’t see it at all.
I was living with limiting beliefs and a negative mindset. My Faith was low, and I was living in Fear.

There is a Universal Law — “The law of polarity”
For every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction such as
Negative and Positive, Good and Bad, Dark and Light.
Nothing stands alone. Every event or situation just is.
We make it Negative or Positive by how we choose to think about it.

If we are thinking negatively, we can change our perspective and see the Positive in it.
We are in control—We create our lives from our thoughts and beliefs.
Just think how much better we can steer our lives, how much more happiness we can experience,
if we remember this Universal Truth.

What I like to tell people now when I get asked “How do you do it” “I don’t know how you do it” I could never do that”.
Is simply “for every bad situation, there is a wonderful blessing at the end of it” You are much more capable than you think”!
“Never say that you can’t do something no matter how hard it may seem. We allow our minds to have limited beliefs and live in fear.
We are in total control of our own lives, if only we can be aware of this. Nothing is impossible”!

I would love to hear your story. What is the #1 question or comment people say to you?
What are your reactions? Then and now.
Drop me an email at

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